Database Factor here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your IT needs.


Browse through these Technical FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions. If you’re a new customer, we encourage you to read through the relevant articles.

Database factor is a IT service management company. We provide enterprise IT solutions for private companies and government agencies. We specialize in database management, system infrastructure management and software development.

We are open to consider projects that might be a little out of this scope.

As far as pricing is considered it will depend on the service type:

Projects – A initial proposal cost assessment is made for any given project and a final quote when a contract is made.

Management – There are three types of management and support packages Basic, Premium and Enterprise.

Yes! For Services or Projects that require us to manage or maintain data either on our clients site or offsite we execute the best security practices and Disaser Recovery Models

Remote Support

Hybrid (On-Premise techs some times for meetings and selected days or dates with Remote Support)

Full-time On-Premise techs

Depending on the contract it might be on-premise, our infrastructure or the cloud.

For legacy migrations it might be required or depending of the need of the project.